Billing for Maps
understanding-cost-of-use premium-maps-terms
Understanding Billing for Maps, Routes, and Places
- “SKU” means stock keeping unit, a unique identifier for each distinct service that Customer can purchase under an Agreement.
- stock keeping unit,SKU/ˌɛsˌkeɪˈjuː/,存貨單位也翻譯為庫存單元,是一個會計學名詞,定義為庫存管理中的最小可用單元,而在連鎖零售門店中有時稱單品為一個SKU存货单位/
Pay-As-You-Go Pricing
To estimate your monthly bill under the pay-as-you-go pricing model, use our pricing calculator pricing calculator.
Reminder: To use the Google Maps Platform APIs, you must enable billing on each of your projects.
Overview of billing for the Google Maps Platform products
- Usage is tracked for each Product SKU.
- A SKU is the combination of the Product API + the service or function called (for example, Places API - Place Details).
- A product may have multiple SKUs billed at different rates, for example:
- Places API - Place Details;
- Places API - Autocomplete - Per Request
- SKU pricing is tiered, based on volume of use, with three tiers: 0–100,000; 100,001–500,000; 500,001+.
- Cost is calculated by SKU Usage x Price per each use.
- For each billing account, for qualifying Google Maps Platform SKUs, a $200 USD Google Maps Platform “credit”!! is available each month, and automatically applied to the qualifying SKUs.
- Note: The credit does not apply to our gaming, ridesharing, or asset tracking industry solutions. Contact Us for more information.
- When you view your billing report, each line item lists Cost Before Credit, Credit, and Cost After Credit.
View your billing report
- Go to the Google Maps section in the Google Cloud Platform Console.
- On the Overview page, in the Billing card, select Go to Maps billing report.
How to read the billing report chart
Tip: Analyze the usage and cost per SKU
Monitor and restrict consumption
Related resources
- Managing your billing accounts
- Modify a project’s billing settings
- Viewing your cost trends with billing reports
- Setting budgets and alerts
- Optimization Guide for Google Maps Platform
- API Key Best Practices
Nonprofit, crisis response, and news media organization grants
Detailed pricing information per product SKU
- To estimate your monthly bill under the pay-as-you-go pricing model, use our pricing calculator pricing calculator.
Maps product
APIs in Maps include: Maps SDK for Android; Maps SDK for iOS; Maps JavaScript API; Maps Static API; Street View Static API; Maps Embed API; and Maps URLs.
With the pay-as-you-go pricing, the creation of a Street View panorama is no longer charged as a Mobile Native map load. It is charged as a Dynamic Street View (see below).
SKU: Mobile Native Static Maps
All Free: Includes a Google map object in lite mode, in a Maps SDK for Android mobile application.
SKU: Mobile Native Dynamic Maps
All Free: A Google map object in a Maps SDK for Android or Maps SDK for iOS mobile application.
SKU: Embed (html iframe)
All Free: uses Place mode (to embed a map with a marker) or View mode (to embed a simple map)
SKU: Embed Advanced
Not Free: uses the Directions mode, Street View mode, or Search mode
SKU: Static Maps (html
Not Free:
SKU: Dynamic Maps
Not Free: A web page or application that displays a map using the Maps JavaScript API. A map is created with the google.maps.Map() class.
SKU: Static Street View (html iframe)
Not Free:
SKU: Dynamic Street View
A dynamic Street View panorama is charged for each instantiation of a panorama object in a Maps JavaScript API, Maps SDK for Android, Maps SDK for iOS application.
Not Free: An instantiation of a panorama object occurs when doing the following:
- In JavaScript, with the google.maps.StreetViewPanorama() class or Map.getStreetView() method. Usage of the StreetViewService() class is not charged.
- On Android, with one of StreetViewPanoramaFragment, SupportStreetViewPanoramaFragment, or StreetViewPanoramaView classes. A panorama is counted each time the related onCreate() method is called.
- On iOS, with the GMSPanoramaView object.
Routes product
Places product