Speed up mobile site rendering

less than 1 minute read


What you’ll learn

How to limit the number of critical resources requested by your webpages

How to optimize your critical rendering path

Turn your critical rendering path into a runway

Any resources that appear before the body of the page and can therefore interfere with the page loading are “critical” resources.

Optimize in four steps



When Javascript files aren’t needed for the initial render, use the ASYNC and DEFER options to take them off the critical rendering path.


Compression tools, smart file format choices, and efficient code will reduce the volume of critical bytes and shorten download times.


Set all critical assets to download as early as possible to shorten the critical path length.


Bask in the accolades of your clients when their mobile sites generate business and boost customer satisfaction.

Okay, technically that’s five steps.


In this course, you learned how loading too many resources up front can create delays in the critical rendering path.

You then learned a sequence of four steps to streamline the critical path.

To learn more about optimizing your page’s critical rendering path, check out the link below:

Optimizing the Critical Rendering Path


